



J2EE Practicefont color is white hide

The Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EE) is one the best platforms for multi-tier enterprise server-side solutions.
J2EE development and deployment is complex and the J2EE world is characterized by strong opinions, rapidly evolving technologies and new frameworks by the dozen appearing monthly

Genius Resource is into delivering solutions on the J2EE platform. Partner with Genius Resource for your enterprise application development needs and you can harness the power of J2EE while comfortably avoiding the associated pitfalls. Our technology group constantly evaluates the latest in technology and frameworks to figure out the benefits and the problems. Our field-tested best practices result in substantial and measurable return on investment.

The Genius Resource J2EE practice has high levels of maturity in application design, frameworks, methodologies, tools and techniques on the Java framework. The J2EE team offers product development, project development, maintenance and support of Java-based applications. We offer high-end technical support to Sun Microsystems's customers through our group company, Slash Support, an indicator of our expertise on J2EE technologies.

Genius Resource brings to the table superior skills in J2EE, J2SE, Web Services, Wireless & XML technologies and has successfully delivered technically challenging Java assignments such as, Payment Gateways, complex PDA Applications, Migration from other technologies to Java etc.

Key J2EE Technologies:

Languages / Technologies

Java Script, J2EE, Web Service, XSLT, HTML

Frameworks & Others

Jakarta Struts, Velocity, JUnit, Ant, UML, GeniusResource WAF

Application Servers

BEA Weblogic, IBM WebSphere, SunOne, JBoss, Orion, Oracle 9i AS, Apache Tomcat, Jrun

Web Servers

Apache, SunOne


Windows, Solaris, Linux, Midrange, Mac


Net Beans/ SunOne, Eclipse/ Web Sphere Studio, VisualAge for Java, Borland JBuilder, Oracle Jdeveloper

Application Servers

BEA Weblogic, IBM WebSphere